ENGLISH LITERACY - English Grammar
BERITA LAINNYA - 03 February 2023
Title : English Grammar
Author : Drs. H. Rois Mahfud, M.Pd.
Summarization by : Hizkia / X MIPA 4
The aim of the book is to introduce students to basic concepts of grammar, to focus on language function and structures.
This book is divided into 2 part. First part or part A will tell you about nouns and article, elementary negative and question, verb order, pronoun, possesive case, introduction to interrogative, adjective, telling the time, som and any, special finite, and verbs.
Part two or part B will tell you about question tags, sentence patterns, gerund and infinitives, interrogatives, relative clauses, there is and it is, reporttes speech, passive voice, and correlative words.
Overall this is a great book for me
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