BERITA LAINNYA - 26 February 2023

Title : Bad Luck

Author : Pseudonymous Bosch

Summarization by :  Lea Pricilia / X MIPA 2 

After Clay has unknowingly been involved in a "drama" performance at Earth Ranch. Now he is used to the inhabitants of Earth Farm who have magical abilities, except for himself. However, Clay himself had agreed to join them. Now, after being the cause of his team's defeat in a game, Clay decides to explore the volcano.

Unexpectedly, Clay actually saw Flint coming out of a cave around the volcano. A suspicious Clay immediately went to the cave to see what Flint was doing there alone. It turned out to be a cavern that Clay had just discovered about its existence this time. And there he found a book called Secrets of Occulta Draco. The book is about Dragon Tamers and Dragons themselves. A confused Clay could only think that maybe Flint had come here just to read this book. But Clay was still suspicious of Flint's behavior and after a while it felt like Clay was being lulled into a dreamland. Waking up from his sleep Clay had a strange, but real experience of a Dragon. However, because he was afraid that his whereabouts would be searched by his friends, Clay decided to immediately return to Earth Farm. However, on the way home Clay found something washed up on the beach. At first Clay thought it was some kind of fish or jellyfish, but it turned out to be a human. The stranded figure was a child who was more or less the same age as Clay. The child is named Brett. Brett tells Clay that his father pushed him off the yacht and into the ocean and washed up on Price Island. When Clay was about to report this incident Brett begged Clay to keep it a secret from anyone. Brett himself does not want to return to his father. However, the yacht owned by Brett's father actually pulled over to Price Island under the pretext of looking for Brett. However, Clay knows there is a big plan that Brett's father is carrying out so that he has the heart to kill his son.


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