english literacy (5)

BERITA LAINNYA - 04 March 2022

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Title : Animal Farm

Author : George Orwell

Summarization by :  Ethan Conroy Gottliebe / XI MIPA 1 

Animal Farm is a modern fable about animals living for themselves and freeing themselves from the oppression of man... in the beginning, at least. It is really a story about how oppression isn't seen from identity, it's seen from behavior. In the beginning, humans were seen as evil by the animals in the farm as humans would only give out the bare minimum required to live, and in return the animals had to give everything they produce to them. When they grow old, they get slaughtered. When they bear children, their children get sold. That was the oppression of man. But after they've freed themselves from humans, slowly but surely they are ruled by the pigs, who did not work, but were smart enough to manipulate the other animals and make them work instead. They started wearing clothes, they started cooperating with humans again, and in the end, the farm returned to its previous oppressive state, with nothing telling apart a man from a pig, as they both became similar to each other.

This is an obvious retelling and prediction of the history of the Soviet Union (prediction as Orwell wrote it in the 1950s, 40 years before the fall). And like Animal Farm, the Soviet Union was founded under the principles of kicking those who make people work for their own gains out, like monarchies, tycoons, and serfs, and having those who actually work manage their own workplaces. This is called socialism. But what the Soviet Union achieved was not socialism. It was the elites looking down on people again, just that the elites were now called "bureaucrats". 

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