The Son of Neptune
Berita Lainnya - 10 July 2024
Identitas Buku
Judul Buku : The Son of Neptune
Penulis : Rick Riordan
Penerbit : Disney Hyperion Books Group
Tahun Terbit : 2011
Tebal Halaman : 521
Sinopsis Buku :
Percy is confused. When he awoke from his long sleep, he didn't know much more than his name. Somehow he has managed to make it to a camp for half-bloods, but it doesn’t ring any bells with him. The only thing he can recall from his past is another name : Annabeth
Hazel is supposed to be dead. When she lived before, she didn't do a very good job of it. Now, because of a mistake she made back then, the future of the world is at risk. Hazel wishes she could ride away from it all on the stallion that appears in her dreams
The story follows the adventures of amnesiac Percy Jackson, a demigod son of Neptune also known as Poseidon, as he meets a camp of Roman demigods and goes to Alaska with his new friends Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang to free the Greek god of death, Thanatos, and help save the world from Gaea, the earth goddess.
Kelebihan :
- Memiliki alur yang menarik
- Ceritanya menarik dan menegangkan
- Cover buku yang menarik
- Bahasa yang digunakan mudah dimengerti (untuk orang yang bisa bahasa inggris)
Kekurangan :
- Banyaknya halaman pada novel ini sehingga membacanya akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama
- Kertas yang digunakan kurang menarik perhatian
- Bahasa yang digunakan tidak mudah dimengerti (untuk orang yang tidak bisa/kurang bisa bahasa inggris)
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