RESENSI BUKU ASIX Don’t judge a girl by Her Cover
Berita Lainnya - 26 September 2023
Identitas Buku
Judul Buku: Don’t judge a girl by Her Cover
Penulis Buku: Ally Carter
Tahun Terbit: 2009
Tebal Halaman: 263
Sinopsis Buku
WHEN CAMMIE MORGAN visits her roommate Macey in Boston, she thinks she's in for an
exciting end to her summer. After all, she's there to watch Macey's father accept the nomination
for vice president of the United States. But when you go to the world's best school (for spies),
"exciting" and "deadly" are never far apart. The girls suddenly find themselves trapped in a
kidnappers' plot, with only their espionage skills to save them.
Soon Cammie is joining Bex and Liz as Macey's private security team on the campaign trail,
where struggle to answer the questions Who is after And how can the Gallagher Girls keep her
girls must use their spy training at everys the stakes are raised, and Cammie gets closer and
closer to the shocking truth.
Kelebihan Buku
- Terdapat banyak chapter setiap halaman jadi jelas dan mudah dimengerti
Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR
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