When There’s a Will, There’s a Way in Makassar MUN 2023 !

Berita Lainnya - 09 May 2023

When There’s a Will, There’s a Way in Makassar MUN 2023!


Makassar MUN is recognized to be the most prestigious MUN Conference in Eastern Indonesia, with the contestants mostly consisting of college students. The festivities were held in 3 days, starting from 17th-19th March 2023. Rania and Irene became OneMUN’s representatives, allocated in UNSC (United Nations Security Council), a double-delegation council, undertaking the topic of  “Myanmar Civil War”.

 Day 1

Picture: Opening Remarks by a Muhammad Takdir


            Day 1 started with a bang with opening remarks from Sandiaga Uno (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy), Muhammad Takdir (Head of The Strategic Policy Center for the Asia-Pacific Region), ending with the MakassarMUN Director General and Faculty Advisor. Following after was a talk show titled, “Empowering Diplomacy to Achieve Solidity”, congruent to the main theme of MakassarMUN 2023. Both the opening remarks and talkshow elaborated the contribution of youth in this new era and the presence of MUN to enhance youth participation. Furthermore, MUN 101 was there to mark the last of day 1.


Day 2

Picture: Moderated Caucus



Picture: Breakout Room Diplomacy (negotiations)

Day 2 brought the first until fourth committee sessions. We made sure that our country’s presence was known in this council through raising and voting upon many motions to be discussed in the moderated caucuses, while simultaneously having ‘Breakout Room Diplomacies’ with some countries to produce the working paper. It was indeed a long day, although filled with new MUN skills and tricks from veteran delegates. At night, we discussed virtually with some of the delegates regarding perfecting the draft resolution that we need to submit the next day. Additionally, we discussed about the topic freely and gave each other our individual opinion about the topic. It was undeniably a great pleasure to get to know many people, especially passionate MUNers as well!


Day 3

Picture: Draft Resolution Review

            Day 3 marked the last day of MakassarMUN! We continued the discussions from day 2 through the fifth committee session, and contributed in producing a draft resolution with the other delegates by the end of it. On the sixth (final) committee session, we participated in the DR presentation and gave our vote on it. After the final committee sessions ended, there was a social event for games and gossip box with the other participants.


Picture: Social Event

Then, the long awaited session came at last, awarding night. Yet what God had in store for us was much beyond our expectations. We can’t express our gratitude enough towards teachers, coaches, and seniors that have guided us throughout the preparations. With their guidance, we managed to win Best Position Paper award, notwithstanding the conference being a varsity (college student) MUN! A truly wonderful experience, Makassar MUN 2023. We made a ton of new acquaintances from other institutions, and Makassar MUN exceeded our expectations. We're eagerly anticipating in participating to more competitions in the future.



By: The OneMUN Delegation for Makassar MUN 2023

Maria Rania Kusumadinata XA5 (right) and Irene Felicia Sihite XA7 (left)


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