ONEMUN Did It Again!

Berita Lainnya - 15 February 2022

ONEMUN Did It Again!



ONEMUN Did It Again!

By: ONE MUN Team


Highschool MUN  or also known as H!MUN, is a 2-day MUN conference for middle and highschoolers. This conference was held from 22-23 January 2022 by Universitas of Indonesia college students. ONEMUN delegation is represented by Aletha XIA4, Ameilia XIA5, Ashley XIA2, Charan XIS1, Earlson XIA1, Krista XIA7. We were allocated into 3 different councils; Aletha was allocated to the United Nations Correspondent Association (UNCA) council, Charan & Ameilia alongside Krista & Ashley in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and Earlson in the UN-Habitat council.


Day 1 

            On the first day, there were quite a lot of interesting events. The first performance was a band performance by the ODY band, the songs that they brought were very cool and calming! There was also a webinar session under the topic of ‘How MUN impacts my Academic and Professional Life’’ which was delivered by our former head coach of OneMUN, kak Leonardi Andika and kak Nurul Zamzami. We were very enthusiastic with this webinar session because the speakers told us all the benefits of joining MUN and how it could give a major impact in our lives.


            After that we had MUN 101 in our each respective councils, which was led by the chairs. Furthermore, there were about 2 committee sessions on the first day with around 2 hours and 30 minutes per committee session. It was very diplomatic and arguably the most accommodative committee sessions we’ve ever joined. We were more well-prepared as well, having already experienced an MUN previously.


Day 2

This is everyone’s favorite day because it’s the last day. Thank God we passed it very well in each committee session, even though some of us also found our performance not as good as the first day. Long story short, for the closing ceremony of  H!MUN 2022, the agendas were music performances, game sessions, and the last one which we were nervous for, the awarding session. However, what God planned for us, was beyond our expectations. We never thought of winning H!MUN 2022. Despite the notabene of the conference can only be attended by highschool students, the pool of the council was arguably hard. However, thank God we managed to snatched 1 Honorable mention, 1 Best Pre-Conference Article, and 1 Best Journalist.


H!MUN 2022 was a very priceless experience. We got so many friends from various schools and H!MUN left us exceeding expectations. We’re very much looking forward to meeting them in another opportunity and attending more competitions in the future!

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