Onsite Finals

Berita BPK PENABUR JAKARTA - 05 June 2022

Onsite Finals

Writers: Nathaline Marielle Lukito (XA7) and Tyrone Anselyno Halim (XIA7)

Editor: Tyrone Anselyno Halim (XIA7)


No more zoom calls, no more Google meetings. No more daily assignments on your Google Classroom. No more offsite but switching it to onsite. We are slowly but surely going back to our daily routines back when there was no Ms. Corona. Waking up at 5 in the morning, wearing the complete uniform, bringing books to class, and meeting our lovely teachers. 


Drastically changing our daily lives totally has its own pros and cons. Saying goodbye to the safe zone we found comfort in for more than 2 years is definitely the downside. Looking back to 2019, when we were obligated to start schooling from home, we were familiarized with having online tasks and tests through the Moodle website. We woke up every day and went into our zoom class meeting as usual before 6:30 A.M. We fixated our eyes on our laptops and observed what the teachers were teaching. By 1 in the afternoon, we left the meeting and continued our other activities. Every day from Monday till Friday went like that, without having us leaving our house. We stayed in our room all day long and by doing that for the last two years, we personally found our own happiness in it. 


But, don’t you miss how fun it was with your friends at school? Don’t you miss going to the canteen with your friends and talking about what happened during class? Don’t you miss interacting with your teachers directly and not through a computer? So as to how the proverbs go,” Every cloud has a silver lining”, one of the silver linings of going back to school is definitely fulfilling as to how much you miss meeting your friends and teachers.


The government had announced that schools are allowed to open 100% onsite. We are completely shifting it to school on how it was back then, but of course by wearing medical masks and doing the safety protocols. Big hurray! At the same time the announcement was given, we were having review week for our finals. Starting from the second last day of May till 9 June, all students of SMAK 1 PENABUR are facing paper-based examinations. Every day we have 2 exams in which each takes 90 minutes. 


There are rules which we must follow. We must get to school before 6:30 just like the usual school regulations. At the front gate, we are greeted by heart-warming teachers that guide us to the censoring machine to check our body temperature and give out hand sanitizers before entering the school building. We step on the sanitizing carpet and go to our following designated class. There are classes that only have 12 students and there are also ones that have 24 students in it. 


By 7 in the morning, the examiners enter the room and the whole school continues with morning devotion. After that, the teachers hand the students the answer sheets so that they can fill the circle with their names, exam number, and signatures before the test officially starts. Right at 7:30, the bell rings and the students may open the question paper and fill in their answers. And by 9:00, students must put down their pencils and leave the room. 


Students get a one-hour rest before they proceed to the second test. They must go back to their class before 10 o’clock. They may go to the toilet before the bell rings, as they are not allowed to go to the toilet in the middle of the examination. They must use 2b pencils and cheatings are not allowed. Class must be conducive and students must cooperate with all rules and regulations.

There are some differences between online and offline final exams. Moodle is no longer used by students, now they are using LJK (Lembar Jawaban Komputer) for answering their exams. On the LJK, There are 4 different parts: name, subjects, test number, and answer box. Each of them must be filled by blackening the circle. So, all of the students need more effort to finish the exams.


Most of the students are having a hard time dealing with this new situation because they need to sleep earlier to get more concentration and also wake up earlier to go to school. Not only that, their time to study is also shortened because of time on the road. They must reset their study strategy so they can keep up with this new situation. 


All of us are facing the same problem, there are no excuses that can be used as an excuse to avoid this problem. Everything will run as usual if we are already used to this situation. So, keep the spirit and don't give up easily to face this new situation.


Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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