TKK 1 PENABUR: Instilling Children's Character through the PjBL Festival

General - 08 July 2024

There are many various learning models that can be used to create Indonesia's golden generation in 2045. One of them is through Project Based Learning (PjBL). PjBL is a learning innovation at BPK PENABUR Jakarta which aims to prepare students to face future challenges.


PjBL learning is implemented at all levels of BPK PENABUR Jakarta schools, including Kindergarten level. For one year, TKK PENABUR Jakarta students are invited to create projects according to a predetermined theme. Furthermore, at the end of the semester, students are asked to present their projects in front of their parents at the PjBL Festival.



This was also carried out by TKK 1 PENABUR, which from 20 May to 23 May 2024 carried out the PjBL celebration. For three days, TKK 1 PENABUR held various project competitions with the theme of pets for the Small Play Group (KBK), the theme of family fun sport and its craft for the Large Play Group (KBB), the theme of sea animals and objects around the beach for Kindergarten A, and a go green theme for Kindergarten B.


"Through this project competition, it is hoped that it can increase children's self-confidence. In their presentations, children explain the process of making projects and present the results of the children's work." Explained Damaris Fajar Dewanti, Head of TKK 1 PENABUR.


Furthermore, Damaris explained that in line with the profile of PENABUR, BEST graduates, this activity aims to develop the Be Tough character, namely the character of never giving up in completing a project. Apart from that, the PjBL TKK 1 PENABUR celebration also aims to provide 4C skills (critical thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration).



Critical and creative thinking are honed through creating project designs, communication to present projects, collaboration and problem solving when creating project designs and collaborating with teachers and parents.


Various creative projects from TKK 1 PENABUR students, such as Erin Felicia Tanzil, a TK B student with the theme Go Green created a project and presented Erin's Environmentally Friendly House.


“Erin's house has windows. This window functions to allow sunlight to enter the house, so that in the morning and afternoon there is no need to turn on the lights, to save electricity. On top of Erin's house there are also two solar panels. This solar panel functions to convert sunlight into electrical power. This can light up Erin's house, you know. Do friends want to see? Isn't that good, friends?" Erin explained in her presentation with enthusiasm.


Parents of TKK 1 PENABUR students feel proud of their sons and daughters because they were able to create a project from scratch to present it well in front of many people.

Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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