Talk Show Counselors’ Fair 2023 : Pendidikan Seksualitas Peserta Didik di Tengah Kecepatan Dunia Digital
General - 29 November 2023
Accompanying the development of students' sexuality amidst the influence of the digital world is a challenge for teaching staff. They need to win the race against the rapid flow of information that attacks students today.
This challenge was recognized by the Counseling and Psychoeducational Section of BPK PENABUR Jakarta, holding the 2023 Counselors' Fair on Saturday (25/11) with the talk show "The Role of Counseling Teachers in Providing Understanding of Students' Sexuality Development amidst the Influence of the Digital World". The talkshow discussed how as a guidance and counseling teacher, as a counselor, you must be able to accompany students appropriately when they are curious about understanding the development of sexuality.
"With this talk show, we hope that guidance and counseling teachers can guide students regarding how and what children should do so that they can develop and grow as a whole, and be physically and spiritually healthy." said the moderator opening the talk show.
The talk show which was attended by 245 BPK PENABUR BK teachers in 15 cities took place in the SMAK 1 PENABUR Hall and the Zoom Meeting presented guest speaker Dr. Esther Widhi Andangsari, M.Si., Psychologist and Greta Vidya Paramita, M.Psi., Psychologist.
Greta, who is a practitioner, researcher and lecturer in psychology, explains the difference between sex and sexuality. Sex is only physical, while sexuality is more complex because it is related to physical, mental changes, and so on.
According to Greta, providing an understanding of sexuality education to students is not enough to focus on just one method. “Teaching the application of sexuality education in schools must be based on the age of the students. The way of application is different between elementary, middle and high school levels. For example, for elementary school children, where they are at the stage of wanting to explore the genitals, as a counselor, the guidance and counseling teacher must be able to accompany and ensure that students remain on track to explore." added Greta.
Connecting it with the onslaught of digital information, Esther really appreciates the activities carried out by BPK PENABUR Jakarta. The digital world offers easy access to unlimited information, including for students. "We cannot deny or prevent the influx of information in the digital world. What we can do as educators, especially guidance and counseling teachers, is train children to be able to think critically, especially when it comes to information they receive from the internet." explained Esther.
At the end of the session, Greta advised the guidance counselor to be a counselor who loves students, so that they will feel comfortable with the guidance counselor at school.
Apart from the talk show, this event also presents 8 Kapita Selekta classes, which can be chosen according to the needs and challenges faced by BK teachers, namely:
1."Understanding Behavior Modification Techniques in Handling Student Problems" by Jovita Adyarani Murhanjati, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist
2. "The Role of Guidance and Guidance Teachers in Determining Profession in the Digital Era" by Robbani Alfan, S.T., M.Pd
3 "Tips for Maximizing the Potential of Generation Z and Alpha" by Dr. Mona Sugianto, M.Psi, Psychologist
4. "First Aid for Mental Health Issues" by Arum Septi Mawarni, M.Psi., Psychologist, CH., CHT
5. "Handling Perpetrators and Victims of Bullying" by Gracia Mayuni Semeru, M.Psi., Psychologist
6. "Shifting Student Socialization Patterns in Endemic Times" by Pinkan Margaretha Indira, M.Psi., Psychologist, CEC
7. "Accompanying Students with a Humanistic Approach" by Caroline Lisa Setia Wati, M.Pd, Kons
8. "Online vs Onsite: Self-Management of Guidance and Guidance Teachers" by Rachel Chalista F. De Harsa, M.Psi., Psychologist
Gisela Winda, BK teacher at SMAK PENABUR, Jababeka City, is grateful for organizing this activity. "I am very grateful for the Counselors' Fair 2023, because the themes raised are really related to the difficulties of guidance and counseling teachers in dealing with Gen Z children. We will know how to deal with children."
Gisela chose the Kapita Selekta topic "First Aid for Mental Health Issues" because seeing today's children, especially those they face at school, it is very risky to carry out self-diagnosis. "So, by choosing this theme I hope to be able to understand and straighten out when children have started to self-diagnose." concluded Gisela.
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