Intercessory Prayer Devotion (Kebaktian Doa Syafaat)

General - 31 May 2024

Intercessory prayer devotion was held on Wednesday, 22 May 2024. This devotion is intended for the final examination or PAT (Penilaian Akhir Tahun) for Grade XI and P5 activity for Grade X. Both activities will start on 27 May 2024 and end on 4 June 2024.


The devotion started at 13.30 after the last session of the teaching & learning activity, in which all students went to the hall to get prepared for the devotion. Before it was started, Bu Marlen Henny led the devotional time (Saat Teduh) with a prayer. Afterward, the musicians started playing the intro of the first song, Kecaplah dan Lihatlah, followed by the singers entering the stage to open the devotion with the song. Furthermore, the Votum & Introitus was lead Priest Michael Ch. Wijaya from GKI Nurdin. Bersama-Mu Bapa, was the second song for us to prepare ourselves before hearing the words of God.



Priest Michael Ch. Wijaya led the sermon with a prayer. The title of the devotion was “Larut namun Tidak Terhanyut” (Dissolved but Not Washed Away) and taken from Daniel 1:1-21. Before going to the main part of the sermon, Priest Michael first of all asked the students about the formula of solubility (kelarutan). However, the students who tried to answer could not respond correctly so Priest Michael asked one of our Chemistry teachers to explain it clearly. The question was related to the main sermon about Daniel, Hanannya, Misael, & Azarya. They chose to obey God and not to get dissolved with others when other people chose to live in sin.



When Priest Michael Ch. Wijaya had finished his sermon topic, it was time for the musician and singer to get onto the stage and lead us to sing. Nothing is Impossible was the song after the sermon and continued with the Intercessory Prayer.



In closing the devotion, the singers led us to sing Never Lost and Bapa Trima Kasih to give thanks to God.


After the devotion, there were some announcements of achievements made by students in academic and non-academic competitions. The winners were called onto the stage and took photos together with the teachers and our principal.


Overall, the devotion was successfully run. The musicians and singers managed to bring a new better atmosphere for the devotion. On the other hand, Priest Michael Ch. Wijaya brought the sermon with an easy topic for us to listen to so that all students could digest the message clearly and would be able to do all the tests and assignments successfully.


By Gavi Samohaga Marunduri - SMAK 1 PENABUR


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