One of the keys to the success of a child's education is optimal support from parents. Parents can support their children well if parents understand the concept of learning that is suitable for children, which is the reality that children are going through at school. With this background, BPK PENABUR Bogor National Plus Kindergarten is holding a Parents Workshop activity as a big step for parents to get to know the learning models accepted by their children. This activity was carried out on August 26, 2023.
The Parents Workshop activities began first with a Parenting Care session with the theme "Playful Learning Develop Life Skills". This session was presented by Mrs. Emma Kristanti from Modern Montessori International. In general, this session provides parents with knowledge about the importance of play as part of the early childhood learning process. Play activities also influence children's development both intellectually and socially. In this session, parents also get lots of interesting tips and various ideas for meaningful play activities that can be practiced at home in play activities with children.
After the Parenting Care session ended, the activity continued with a Parents Workshop session with teachers from each child's level. Each teacher at each level introduces the learning methods used in each class, especially the area-based learning model which is part of the independent curriculum which has just begun to be implemented at the BPK PENABUR Bogor National Plus Kindergarten. In general, there are 10 areas carried out by children, namely science area, engineering area, technology area, gross motor skills area, fine motor skills area, art area, pre-mathematic area, dramatic area, pre-reading and pre-writing area, and religion and moral values areas.
Parents are also introduced to various learning tools in each area, and can even explore and try it themselves so they can experience the learning experience carried out by their children. Parents are also introduced to two additional content in this curriculum, namely Phonics (English language learning) and Phonics (Indonesian language learning). After seeing the theory and practice of learning models in the classroom, parents also carry out interesting activities at each level. At the toddler level, parents are invited to make sensory bottles and sensory plastic bags. At the preschool level, parents are invited to decorate the letters using materials prepared by the teacher. At the K1 level, parents are invited to make a small book of family words. Lastly, at the K2 level, parents are invited to make Phonic Word Sliders and Phonics Word Building. It is hoped that this Parents Workshop activity can make parents more familiar with the education their children are undergoing so that parents can provide the right support that can support their children's learning process optimally.