February English Day Report

Berita BPK Penabur Jakarta - 24 March 2022

SMAK PENABUR Summarecon Bekasi,

Bekasi, 24 Maret 2022



English Day is a program that is filled with a series of activities to improve proficiency in the English language. This program is held at our school, SMAK Penabur Summarecon Bekasi, every month on either a Tuesday or Thursday, depending on our school’s schedule. It involves the entirety of our school. Both teachers and students get involved in the preparations and participate in the activities held during English Day. We held our first English Day for this semester on the 17th of February, with an English Corner themed “Valentine’s Day”.

Valentine’s Day or Saint Valentine’s Day is a day when we express our love and affection towards someone through gifts or greetings. We prepared three different activities to be done during the English Corner according to this theme: Kahoot (Quiz), Sharing, and Anonymous Valentine Letter. The purpose of these activities is to improve and train the English communication skills of SMAK Penabur Summarecon Bekasi’s students and teachers in a fun way. Before we started our activities, we opened the English Corner with a routine morning devotion and singing our national anthem. The first activity, kahoot, consisted of ten questions about Valentine’s Day. At the end of kahoot activity, the MCs announced the winners of the kahoot.

In the second activity, the sharing session, the participants were divided into several breakout rooms. Each room had a leader to guide the session using 5 questions we previously had prepared. During this session, the participants had conversations about Valentine’s Day, such as what it means to them, what they did during the day, and many more.

The last activity for the English Corner was the Anonymous Valentine Letter. In this activity, the participants were provided with a mentimeter where they could write valentine’s messages to anyone they’d like anonymously, as the name of the activity said. There were plenty of interesting messages, such as confessions, pickup lines, even some jokes too. As this activity ended, so did the day’s English Corner.

English Day is very beneficial for our lives. As a result, we can communicate in English as well as comprehend situations that involve communicating in English and English literacy. We should never waste all the resources that were given to us in learning English. We are very grateful and we truly acknowledge all the hard work and support that the teachers in SMAK Penabur Summarecon Bekasi have given. Furthermore for the appreciation and the drive from the students to participate in the English Day activities. With that being said, we hope that everyone will be present for our next English Day activities to have fun and learn together. (VAP)



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